A Quick Guide to Implement Schema Markup on WordPress

A Quick Guide to Implement Schema Markup on WordPress
You have launched a website with beautiful looks and great functions. So, what’s next? Make it SEO-friendly to rank its content on the search engine to bring organic traffic. It may look like a little difficult task as there are many technical elements that you must understand although they are not easy to digest. But if you are serious about the SEO of your website, you will need to have a holistic view of all the SEO-related topics. One such topic is to Implement Schema Markup. Scheme Markup and structured data have had a good role in SEO for years...

A Quick Guide on Creating a WordPress Ecommerce Website

A Quick Guide on Creating a WordPress Ecommerce Website
WordPress stands out as an excellent tool that businesses can use to create a website. WordPress works for businesses that seek to start an e-commerce website. While you can use WordPress for e-commerce, you may face some unexpected problems or issues. Read through this guide to learn how to set up an e-commerce site through WordPress. Research WordPress Plugins WordPress has a wonderful feature where you can use plugins for your website. Plugins allow you to add features to your site to make it easier to run and more accessible for your customers. You can do anything from customization options...

How to Find Broken Links in WordPress?

How to Find Broken Links in WordPress?
A broken link is one of the frustrating sights for a webmaster. It not only displays a ridiculous 404 page to create a bad user experience for your visitors but can also make a negative impact on the SEO of your WordPress website. So, if there are any broken links on your WordPress website, you rather fix it as soon as possible. Here, we will discuss how to find broken links on your website. Also, we shall discuss how to fix the broken links as well. But before we get started, let's see what a broken link really is and...

How to Clear Cache in Every Major Browser?

How to Clear Cache in Every Major Browser?
Sometimes you may wonder why the changes made are not visible on your website. There are many reasons for it and one of them is browser cache. In this article, we will show you how to clear cache in every major browser (chrome, firefox, edge, safari, and opera). This will help you to fix the common issue that you may face due to the browser cache. What is a Browser Cache? A browser cache is a technology used by popular browsers to store the visited website data on a user’s computer. This allows the browsers to quickly load the webpage...

4 Keys To Starting Your Small Business Website

4 Keys To Starting Your Small Business Website
When you’re starting a small business in 2022, you should be prepared to think of its website as the face you’re presenting to potential clients and customers. A website has long been an important component of businesses of all sorts, but this is truer today than ever before. Accordingly, we wanted to go over a few key considerations you’ll want to keep in mind when the time comes to set up your small business’s site. Pick The Right Platform The first big step you’ll take in designing your small business website is choosing a platform to build it on. And...

How to Speed Up your WordPress Website?

How to Speed Up your WordPress Website?
If you are looking for different techniques to speed up your WordPress website then, you are at the right place. Here, we will discuss some of the best techniques that can be taken to speed up your website. But before we go through those techniques - a few things about why it is necessary for you (site owner) to speed up your website. The loading speed of a website is one of the most important factors that one should not be neglecting. It affects almost everything from user experience to bounce rate to conversions. Also, a website that has a...

How to Migrate WordPress using All in One Migration?

How to Migrate WordPress using All in One Migration?
Are you planning to move your WordPress website to a new hosting or to a new server? The biggest risk you might face while doing so is data loss and downtime. Both of these will make your website temporarily unavailable to your users and search engines which might result in loss of sales and search engine rankings. So, to prevent this you might think of creating back up of all the data of your website and performing the migration whenever it's required. Here, in this article, we will provide a short tutorial to show you how to migrate WordPress website...

Demo Import Process Failed. Why does Demo Import fail?

Demo Import Process Failed. Why does Demo Import fail?
Demo Import is one of the most trending features for WordPress Themes. It lets you import a fully functioning website with just one click or with a few steps. By doing so, you can save a lot of time that would be consumed if you start building your website from scratch. Demo Import, being a popular feature of WordPress theme can be run with the help of a WordPress plugin recommended by the theme. This plugin will allow you to install the demo content in a few minutes. However, most of the theme provides a one-click demo import option from...

Effective Ways to Improve Website Traffic Using Social Media Outreach

Effective Ways to Improve Website Traffic Using Social Media Outreach
Social media has become indispensable to businesses of all industries: Marketing departments push products and services; customer service representatives quickly answer questions and complaints; and brands make announcements regarding new products, contests and events, and more. It's a great tool for these reasons, but there is one goal your social campaigns should absolutely strive to meet: Lead generation to your website. Your website has all the bells and whistles of the right marketing campaign—landing pages, product videos, pop-up help chat, a clear call-to-action—that help convert "I'll just throw it in my cart for fun" lookers into paying customers. But your...