The Importance of Website’s Page Speed for SEO & Lead Generation

The Importance of Website’s Page Speed for SEO & Lead Generation
Website load time refers to how long it takes any of your pages to appear on the screen along with all the components like text, images, or videos. It depends on numerous factors you have to consider while building a website, but it all comes down to one thing – the longer it takes to load, the more you are likely to lose potential customers. Page speed has long been an important aspect of web design both in terms of user experience and search engine optimization. In a 2019 study, 70% of internet users said that the website load time...

How to Launch WordPress Test Site in One Click?

How to Launch WordPress Test Site in One Click?
Sooner or later every WordPress site owner gets in a situation when there is a need for a new plugin for a specific purpose. So the search begins, in the official WordPress directory as well as the rest of the internet.  Top lists, reviews, and official homepages shall all be checked, but there is probably no better way for WordPress site owners to decide which plugin suits their needs best than to try it out themselves.  Doing this on the live site is not the best idea, as there are WP tables left behind the removed plugins, and there is...

How to Improve Your Customer Experience with Web Design

How to Improve Your Customer Experience with Web Design
Proper web design is the basic building block of any successful company’s online presence. The design of online platforms doesn’t just directly impact traffic and sales, it is also important for brand building and overall user satisfaction.  It is hard to overemphasize the importance of web design. It can make the difference between a smooth, reliable customer experience that allows people to shop online effortlessly and a janky customer experience that makes it impossible for them to find what they need, much less order it.  Sadly, a common perception among business owners (and even web developers and technical managers to...

Keep Your WordPress E-commerce Site Secure Against Cyber Threats: 8 Ways To Ensure Online Safety

Keep Your WordPress E-commerce Site Secure Against Cyber Threats: 8 Ways To Ensure Online Safety
E-commerce is a vast market in which entrepreneurs and companies put lots of effort into providing the best experience to their customers. From accessible web pages to friendly customer support, a typical internet user can expect a wide range of products and hassle-free transactions. There is, however, one thing that you should pay extra attention to - online safety. Even with the current development of information technology, the internet can still be a dangerous place. And as an E-commerce site owner, it is your responsibility to keep it safe and secure from malware and hackers. In this article, you will...

Preparing Your Website For Black Friday: The Complete Checklist

Preparing Your Website For Black Friday: The Complete Checklist
Black Friday Sales are an important part of eCommerce culture for both consumers and sellers, and why shouldn’t they be? Every customer knows that a Black Friday sale is the ideal time to purchase the slightly over-budget product they’ve been eyeing for a while. Meanwhile, companies increase their profit margins by increasing sales numbers. While this does apply to in-store business as well, statistics have shown that 2020’s Black Friday Sale was more popular for online stores. The numbers speak for themselves: The 2020 Black Friday Sale saw online spending increase to about $9 billion, an increase of 22% YoY....

How to Create a Multilingual Website on Total Theme Using Polylang?

How to Create a Multilingual Website on Total Theme Using Polylang?
In this article, we will discuss how to create a multilingual website from Total using the Polylang plugin. It will allow you to create a website that can be viewed in several languages. This will play a great role in expanding the reach of your website and generate conversions from non-english speaking zones. Total - Brief Description Total is a premium multipurpose WordPress theme that comes with tons of features to create any type of website. The theme contains 5 slickly designed demo websites that can be imported and installed in a single click. It comes with 18 different home...

7 Reasons Why WordPress Is The Best CMS To Start a Blog in 2024

7 Reasons Why WordPress Is The Best CMS To Start a Blog in 2024
Starting a blog has become an easy task, thanks to the wonderful CMS that is WordPress. As a highly-customizable platform, this content management system is just what you need to build a fully-functional and optimized blog. Thus, if you are a newbie blogger who is unsure as to why you should use this CMS then here are top 7 reasons that will help you make a well-informed decision. WordPress is a powerful CMS that provides you with unlimited benefits and essential features. As such, let’s quickly take a look that the reasons why WordPress is the best CMS to start...

Reasons WordPress is Perfect CMS for Small Businesses

Reasons WordPress is Perfect CMS for Small Businesses
The reason WordPress is the perfect CMS for small businesses is that people can easily learn how to operate it. Small businesses can benefit from the CMS. Being new in the market they can benefit from the ease of the WordPress management system. If you want to know why WordPress has become the perfect CMS for your small business, then you have come to the right place. Here are some reasons WordPress is perfect CMS for small businesses: Flexibility and Scalability Flexibility and scalability are crucial aspects for the success of small businesses in the digital landscape, and WordPress excels...