Home Forums Square Improper Product Image Display Size (Shop Page)

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  • #201
    Joshua Tam

    Just wonder why the product image diaplay size is not in order? The size is getting smaller as it moves towards right when more products are added. Attached is the screenshot:
    screenshot of the image display size looks like

    Appreciate if you revert to me. Thanks

    Joshua Tam

    Problem solved. The size of the image uploaded has to been the same. Thanks.



    It is not the case. The size of the uploaded image does not have to be same. But the size has to be greater than thumbnail size used for the shop page.

    In the Square theme you need to upload the product size greater than 400×400, the image will appear in same size. Mean you can upload image with random size greater than 400×400 and the product page will automatically crop the image to show all the images with same size.

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