Home Forums Total How to add "see all posts" button or link to Blog Section?

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  • #2586

    Thank you for wonderfull theme you created.
    It is really nice. I’m building my first site using it.

    There is one detail I’d like to improve:

    On the main page in blog section there is no link or button like “Read all posts” which can lead to blog page with right sidebar with complete Blog navigation, calendar, etc.

    I would like to have it there – that may be good for site usability.

    How can I do that?


    You could use the ‘Call To Action Section’ for this:

    1. Go to Appearance > Customizer > Home Sections
    2. Activate the ‘Call To Action Section’
    3. Choose a title like ‘Read all blog posts?’
    4. Choose for the ‘Button 1 Text’ something like ‘Visit my blog’
    5. Add in the field ‘Button 1 Link’ the link to your blog page


    @UncleSerge Sorry, there is no option to add the additional button with link the blog section. As @plimfec suggested, you can use call to action section to add the link.

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