Home Forums Total How to set up a Blog page showing all posts?

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    In your demo, you have the blog section on the homepage, then another blog page displaying all posts. How can I set that up?


    Yes, I’ve seen that link – it does not answer my problem. I do not want to use a static home page. I want the 3 recent Blog posts to show up on the home page, and also have a separate Blog page displaying all blog posts as in your demo – https://hashthemes.com/wordpress-theme/total/


    I would like to know the same thing…I also don’t want to use the static home page, and followed your directions above, then set it back to dynamic. The blog posts editor page says “You are currently editing the page that shows your latest posts”–but it doesn’t show them…


    If you want to show the latest blog post in the home page then you will have to delete a file named front-page.php from the theme folder. This will do the trick


    You’ve still not answered the original question:
    1. I do not want to use a static home page
    2. I want to use the standard home page with recent Blog posts section included
    3. I also want to have a separate Blog page displaying all blog posts exactly as these 2 pages (home/blog) appear in your demo – https://hashthemes.com/wordpress-theme/total/

    How can I set this up?


    @mhebert — I finally figured out how to do it–

    1. I had to create new blank pages for my blog and home pages because the ones I had when I switched to this theme wouldn’t let me select a template. On the new home page, select the template of “Home Page”
    2. After I created new pages, I switched it to use a static home page
    3. made the new blank home page as the home page and the new blog page as the blog feed, it worked.

    Now I’m trying to figure out how to use a different sidebar for the blog page, I can’t seem to change the layout at all…


    @hawkjan isn’t that same as explained in this url https://hashthemes.com/support/topic/unable-to-display-square-features-after-setting-static-page/

    And for blog page, there is not setting to change it. It show with default right sidebar.


    It is, except for the fact I had to create completely new pages to get it to work, and hoped my explanation would help him figure it out since I finally did and it took me a while, despite the directions given in the link….just trying to help 🙂

    I really like the theme, especially for a free one, I just wish it were a little more customizable–bright side, I’m learning more wordpress to be able to do that

    Thanks again!


    Thank you, this was very helpful. The new page allowed me to select a home template. All set now!

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