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  • #6404

    Hi again!. Sorry for bothering
    I’m having a problem with the responsive of some posts that I want to show.
    in the desktop resolution looks like this:

    but when the resolution goes down to more than 480 it looks like this

    I would like the posts to always be seen in the same way as in the first image, I have tried to modify, but I have not been successful. I hope you can help me again.


    Are you using Total theme? The screenshot does not look like that of the Total Theme.

    And if you have customized the theme, then our free support does not cover for the customized theme.


    Yes, it’s Total theme, I use Elementor page builder, and for the post i use an option called Post Loop
    and that’s what happen.
    I don’t customize the theme before, i’m just trying to fix this issue


    We are sorry to say that you will then have to contact the plugin developer because the post loop element is developed by Elementor and we do not know much in and out of the plugin.

    Basically, as a theme developer, we make the theme compatibility only but do not handle in and out of everything regarding the plugin.

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