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    Love the theme, I just have one issue. I am currently building my site and have not launched it yet. I have published three pages which I have assigned to the slider. Each has a featured image that is the recommended 1900×600 pixels. But when I preview the theme in the customization window, none of the featured images appear either in the slider or at the top of the page.

    Is there any way I can preview my site with the featured images before launching it?


    If you have properly followed the documentation as stated here https://hashthemes.com/documentation/total-documentation/#SliderSetup and still the slider is not working then it must be that some of the plugins is conflicting with the theme and causing the slider not to work.

    So please check by disabling all the plugins. If it still does not work then please do mention the website URL so that we can check for the issue.



    Thanks for getting back to me. I went through the documentation and made sure that I had set up the slider correctly. I then disabled all the plugins and it made no difference to the slider.

    My site is . I have not launched it yet but this is the preview link:



    We can not view your website. It is showing a coming soon screen. Please set your website live so that we can check and figure out the issue.

    If your website is not ready to set the website live then please reply back with your website login detail setting as a private message so that we can only see it.

    Thank you.

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    I checked your website and it seems that you have not followed our documentation. Before you set up anything you need to follow this section of the documentation https://hashthemes.com/documentation/total-documentation/#SettingFeaturedHomePageasFrontPage to generate the home page as in our demo. We have not made any changes to your website so that you can do it yourself and know how the theme works.

    You can contact us if you are still not able to configure the homepage. We will definitely help you.

    Thank you.

    This reply has been marked as private.
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