Home Forums Square The theme can't be Responsive ?

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  • #3023

    Hi there,

    I have some troubles to manage a website using Square Template.

    As soon as a mobile phone go to my website, this page appears :

    Which is not suppose to be, it seems to be perfect after clicking “view full website”.

    Anybody encountered this problem ?

    Thx for your support 🙂

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Hash.

    “Proudly powered by WordPress” is not footer from the Square theme. This is something else what you see, maybe you have plugin for mobile version of your site (which is not needed, because theme is responsive). Or you did not select Square theme in Themes menu.


    Hi @Blazzz,

    It seems you are using Jet Pack plugin and activated the mobile theme. You need to disable this module for the theme to show its normal responsive. Please check this link for more reference


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