Home Forums HashOne Mobile menu question

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Hash.
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  • #1637

    Thank you very much for your superb theme!

    The question is:

    On the mobile version when I click to a menu section (i.e. Services) it does not pull the subcategories in order to choose from them, rather – it enters the Services page.
    If I want to pull the subcategories, I need to ever so slightly click/slide, which is only apparent for already educated about that users.

    Could this be remade in some manner?

    Thank you in advance!


    The service page is designed to show pages but not category so we are sorry to say that won’t be making this in our theme.

    But we can customize the them to your requirement for a paid support if you want.


    Guys, excuse me, perhaps I have misspoken. Here is a sample image from your demo site.

    When viewed from phone, I need to press (i.e. Layouts) in order to expand the suboptions. But when I do that, it goes to the Layouts page, instead of expanding.

    I hope now I managed to explain it correct. Thank you for your precious time!

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Hash.
    • This reply was modified 5 days, 6 hours ago by Hash.


    The question is clear now. Whenever you want to add the submenu, we suggest you to make a custom menu with # link so that when you click it on the mobile device, it does not goes to any page. Hope you got it.

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