Home Forums Total Post Excerpt on Blog Page in Totally Doesn't Work

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  • #11860

    The Blog page for Total’s child theme only shows near the full text of the blog post and smashes together any lists or paragraph breaks or headlines and doesn’t look very professional I’m afraid. I disabled all plug-ins and when that didn’t fix the issue I installed Advanced Excerpt and that doesn’t work either. Totally is a good strong theme but there’s something wrong with it when it comes to the blog page – it ignores the excerpts/summary. Has anyone been able to fix this?



    The theme automatically creates the excerpt and on creating it, it will remove any sorts of formatting and shows the text in a single paragraph.

    If you want to show all the formatting then you will need to upgrade to premium because the premium version has the option to show the full text and with it you will be able to create own expert and formatting.


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