Home Forums Total Animation elements not working.

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Hash.
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    Hi all, I am kinda new in here, but I really need help on this one. I used Elementor and Total in my wordpress site. Everything was good, until a few days ago when I realized that the animation doesn’t work on “Total” anymore.

    Some of those elements that doesn’t seem to work anymore are (not sure if there’s more):
    – The Portfolio Category Button (when clicked it has no effect, it used to work well)
    – Back to Top button missing (originally it was there, but not anymore)
    – I used “Progress Bars” but animation doesn’t show anymore (It works well when theme was switched)

    I tried disabling Elementor and also re-installing “Total” but the issue is still not resolved.

    What should I do?


    Can you please mention your website url?

    There are not any sort of animation on the progress bar in the Total Theme. You can check demo for reference https://hashthemes.com/wordpress-theme/total/


    Hi, my website is at: http://www.4lifeproducts.info


    Seems like some of the plugin installed has caused this problem. Try disabling the plugins and check.

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