Home Forums Viral Mag Elementor and Hash Elements conflict

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by Hash.
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    I like your theme and the design very much so I have installed it on another website, an old one. But after I installed the theme, Elementor and Hash Elements, and switched to the theme, whenever I activate the Hash Elements plugin Elementor breaks!

    I can not locate what is causing the conflict even with disabling all the other plugins.

    And, what is worse, It is a website with about 1.000 daily visitors.

    So, it is urgent! Please help!


    Thanks for the help identifying the issue yesterday.

    I have asked the hosting company to change the parameters as per your request:
    max_execution_time 3000
    memory_limit 256M
    post_max_size 32M
    max_input_vars 3000

    They did put them put to the maximum, but they told the maximum for the max_input_vars is 600, and they changed it to that value.

    What is the most important Is that Has Element work now.

    Thanks again for the help!


    Good to know that.


    The hosting provider admitted the mistake about max_input_vars and changed it to 3000.
    Still, the problem remains the same.
    It was working for about 2 days and then crashed again without any chance of changing the broken homepage. :/


    If the home page is broken then it must be due to another problem.

    The server configuration will only hamper only when you edit your home page in the elementor.

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