Home Forums Viral Category Tags in Images on Home Page

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    Hello! Is there any way to turn off category tags in images on the front page? The First section of the News shows the tags in the Feature Image. Would appreciate it if there’s a way to undo this so the categories don’t appear on the image as then it will look clean.

    Thanks much.

    Beautiful theme. Absolutely love it!


    Yes, Go to Appearance -> Customizer and in the Additional CSS field, add the blow CSS.

    .vl-top-block .post-categories{display:none}

    And please do review our theme if you like it https://wordpress.org/support/theme/viral/reviews/?filter=5


    Thank you SO MUCH! You rock. Love this theme. It’s awesome!


    Hi #HashThemes people! Thanks in advance, your theme is amazing!

    I want see the category tags in image on Home Page in my mobile (responsive)… is this possible? Another point: is possible see the category tags in all thumbnails of Home Page? (all blocks).

    Sorry but my english is not good… regards from Uruguay!


    I would like to thank you for taking out the time to build this theme, must have been some work you put into this.

    would like to find out if there is anyway to remove the *WordPress Theme | Viral by Hash Themes* at the bottom.

    Thanx for the response


    @rubioviejo in the mobile device, the image become very small and the tags over the image covers it making dirty so it would be best not to show it in mobile device. and sorry the theme does not have option to show the tag in all the thumb of the home page.

    sorry, it is not possible. But you can purchase our child theme that the option to remove or edit the footer text.

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