Square Plus Change Logs

= 1.4.9 – Dec 24, 2023 =
* Twitter icon color changed to black
* Color picker issue on Highlight section – Fixed
* Hash Form added for contact form
= 1.4.8 – Nov 06, 2023 =
* Add Media and Conditional Logic bug on Metabox – Fixed
= 1.4.7 – Oct 20, 2023 =
* Elementor Extender – Updated

= 1.4.6 – Oct 8, 2023 =
* Image uploader not working on meta box – Fixed

= 1.4.5 – Sep 15, 2023 =
* Elementor extender support for grid container – Added

= 1.4.4 – Sep 05, 2023 =
* Font Icons updated with Twitter’s new icon – Updated

= 1.4.3 – Aug 30, 2023 =
* Slider pause duration on news, team, testimonial, portfolio slider, and logo carousel – Added

= 1.4.2 – Jun 1, 2023 =
* Theme updater – Updated
* Customizer CSS – Updated
* Customizer Code Refinement

= 1.4.1 – May 16, 2023 =
* Option to transfer settings from Square to Square Plus – Added

= 1.4.0 – May 03, 2023 =
* RTL Ready – Updated
* Support for shortcode added for front page section subtitle – Added

= 1.3.9 – Mar 20, 2023 =
* Addition 3 Icon Packs added for the menu – Updated

= 1.3.8 – Mar 18, 2023 =
* Mistakes in the link of Square Plus Panel – Fixed
* FontAwesome Icons replace with Elementor Icon on Elementor Settings – Updated
* Other minor CSS fixes

= 1.3.7 – Mar 1, 2023 =
* Font Icons update to the latest version – Updated

= 1.3.6 – Feb 22, 2023 =
* Implementation of Ajax Customizer Panel for faster loading – Updated

= 1.3.5 – Feb 09, 2023 =
* Font Icons – Updated

= 1.3.4 – Feb 09, 2023 =
* Add Widget Area page on SquarePlus Panel – Added
* Scroll Top customizer options – Added
* Customizer panel code and design – Updated
* Sticky Sidebar option – Added
* Elementor extender optimized – Updated

= 1.3.3 – Aug 16, 2022 =
* Option to load Google Fonts locally to comply with GDPR – Added
* desktop_default replace with default for Elementor
* Pinterest share button issue when the featured image is not uploaded – Fixed
* Customizer Testimonial section error when there is no testimonial – Fixed
* CSS conflict with LearnPress plugin fixed

= 1.3.2 – May 18, 2022 =
* Demo Importer files regenerated

= 1.3.1 – May 17, 2022 =
* Error in menu walker – fixed
* Undefined error display in Animation Layers module – fixed

= 1.3.0 – Apr 24, 2022 =
* Elementor Template Importer – Added
* Animated Text & Image, Text, Lottie Animation Elementor widget – Added
* (Section Extender) Background Effect, Color Animation, Parallax Animation, Particle Animation, Water Ripple, Parallax & Motio(Horizontal & Vertical movement) added for Elementor section
* Option to activate/deactivate Section Extender in Theme Option Panel – Added
* Transform, Float Effect & Parallax Effect option each Elementor Module – Added
* Widget editor naming issue in function exists – Fixed
* H1 typography not rendering issue – Fixed
* Sticky Sidebar for Elementor column – Added
* Elementor Typography and Color scheme value – Removed
* Plugin not installing from Install Plugin page – Fixed
* Elementor Font Icons updated to the latest version – Update
* Metabox background size value not saving – Fixed
* Depreciated Instagram Token option from Theme Options Panel – Removed
* Depreciated _register_controls replaced by register_controls – Update
* WooCommerce Single Page – Page scrolling to top when clicked on tab – Fixed

= 1.2.3 – Oct 24, 2021 =
* Option to import the demo without image for faster demo imported – Added
* Gutenberg widget page JS issue fixed
* 3 Icons pack added for Elementor icon control

= 1.2.2 – Apr 26, 2021 =
* Elementor Depreciated error fixed

= 1.2.1 – Apr 15, 2021 =
* Javascript error when multiple slider added in Elementor fixed
* Styles fixes in Megamenu
* Custom widget not deleting issue fixed in widget page

= 1.2.0 – Feb 02, 2020 =
* Video Background not working in Customize home page section – Fixed
* Loading wrong default font issue fixed
* Minor JS conflict fixed

= 1.1.9 – Oct 04, 2020 =
* Elementor Demo Import added for all Demos
* Contact Section id naming issue fixed
* Missing translation added
* FrontPage News Section Read More showing wrong url fixed
* Other minor fixes

= 1.1.8 – Aug 27, 2020 =
* MegaMenu removed from Menu page and MegaMenu single template added
* Google fonts updated
* Header, Elastic Gallery, Team Carousel, Slider widgets added for Elementor
* Added Page/Editor Option for Tab Widget in Elementor
* Demo importer updated
* New Business demo added for Elementor

= 1.1.7 – Aug 12, 2020 =
* Jet Element module removed from the theme and added as a separated plugin bundled with the theme
* Customizer panel not working with WordPress version 5.5 fixed
* Home Slider bottom separator loading issue fixed
* Top bar social icon not updating issue fixed
* Elementor row spacing issue fixed with custom CSS code
* Template file added for pagebuilder specific

= 1.1.6 – June 18, 2020 =
* Added Front Page block for Elementor
* New demo (GYM) added
* Issue in customizer header font size change fixed

= 1.1.5 – June 1, 2020 =
* Title style “Float Left Side” enhancement for front page
* Header style three minor issue fixed
* New demo (Business) added
* Added new style for About Us section in front page
* Style refinement

= 1.1.4 – May 25, 2020 =
* Demo enhancement
* Dropdown not working(when icon is added) on mobile fixed

= 1.1.3 – May 20, 2020 =
* Demo importer issue fixed

= 1.1.2 – May 17, 2020 =
* Logo stretching in the mobile device fixed

= 1.1.1 – May 14, 2020 =
* Added option for home page slider height, transition, and autoplay
* Added option for color in the mobile menu toggle button
* Minor bug in latest post widget fixed and added option to display the date
* Excerpt function error fixed
* Added frontpage option for quick setup
* Added version constant for removal of cache on theme update
* Added option for logo height
* Added option for background image parameters for banner image
* Added alt attribute for all image in the home page for better SEO

= 1.1.0 – Apr 20, 2020 =
* Instagram Widget Removed
* add_to_cart_fragments depreciated issue fixed
* Other minor issue fixed

= 1.0.9 – Apr 11, 2020 =
* Repeater fields translation not displaying in WPML fixed
* Added Option for External Link in the Portfolio posts
* Contact Info widget support HTML text
* Demo Importer refinement

= 1.0.8 – Mar 11, 2020 =
* Demo Importer refinement
* Background zoom issue(when background attachment is set to fixed) on ios device fixed
* More refinement in GDPR section
* Instagram and Flickr widget spacing issue fixed
* Mega Menu refinement
* Footer Background Position not working issued fixed
* WooCommerce fixes

= 1.0.7 – Dec 12, 2019 =
* FontAwesome conflict with Elementor fixed
* Dynamic style not working on child theme fixed
* Added new design for woocommerce product listing
* Preloader conflicting with WooCommerce preloader fixed

= 1.0.6 – Nov 24, 2019 =
* Breadcrumb permalink error in Portfolio fixed
* Elementor Elements error with WPML string translation plugin fixed
* Added 503 Service Unavailable in maintenance page
* Google Plus Social icon removed from team section
* WooCommerce depreciated function removed and replaced with wc_get_cart_url
* Breadcrumb Schema error fixed
* Tab not working in customizer fixed
* Fancy Scrollbar option removed
* Menu Icon not working fixed
* Metabox and it extension updated to the latest version
* Minor CSS fixed

= 1.0.5 – Aug 20, 2019 =
* Spelling correction of separator
* JS Error on “Scroll to Top” deactivation fixed
* GooglePlus field removed from author details
* GooglePlus Share icon removed from article detail page
* Elementor Template option removed
* License activation url fixed
* Automatic Update issue on child theme activation fixed

= 1.0.4 – Jun 01, 2019 =
* Issue on portfolio slider fixed.

= 1.0.3 – May 22, 2019 =
* Minor Styling Issue Fixed
* Slider not working on live preview on customizer fixed

= 1.0.2 – Apr 18, 2019 =
* Minor Styling Issue Fixed
* Text Domain and translation error fixed
* Live Preview not working on top padding of the title bar fixed

= 1.0.1 – Apr 8, 2019 =
* New layout added for maintenance screen along with more settings
* Translation text added for the metabox settings
* Other minor bug fixed

= 1.0.0 – Apr 01, 2019 =
* Initial Release