Total Plus Change Logs

= 3.1.6, Dec 24, 2023 =
* Image issue on customizer Highlight Block – Fixed
* Twitter icon color change to black – Updated
* Menu Drop down icon CSS – Fixed
* Banner issue on WooCommerce page header – Fixed
* Hash Form Contact Form – Added

= 3.1.5, Oct 19, 2023 =
* Elementor Extender – Updated
* Minor CSS Fixes

= 3.1.4, Sep 5, 2023 =
* Font Icons updated with Twitter new Icon
* Twitter icon replaced on all instances

= 3.1.3, Aug 30, 2023 =
* Footer 2 padding issue – Fixed
* Testimonial Section – Testimonial block style 2 for testimonial blocks by page – Fixed
* Pause duration option for Team, Testimonial, and Client logo carousels – Added

= 3.1.2, Jul 21, 2023 =
* Elementor Extender support for Container – Added

= 3.1.1, Jun 29, 2023 =
* Customizer panel not loading bug – Fixed

= 3.1.0, Jun 22, 2023 =
* CSS bug in Install Plugin page – Fixed
* Popup Search conflicting with other plugin – Fixed
* Active Callback function error for Custom Font Uploader – Fixed

= 3.0.9, Jun 1, 2023 =
* Customizer CSS & bug – Fixed

= 3.0.8, May 22, 2023 =
* Plugin updater – Updated
* Customize Codes – Refined
* RTL issue – Fixed

= 3.0.7, May 01, 2023 =
* RTl Ready – Updated

= 3.0.6, Apr 05, 2023 =
* Menu Walker Class refinement – Updated
* Backward compatibility on free to pro upgrade – Added
* Custom HTML and Shortcodes for home page section Sub Title – Added
* Shortcode to display the current year in the footer – Added

= 3.0.5, Mar 17, 2023 =
* Enqueue ID naming error for FontAwesome – Fixed
* Menu Bar color and spacing option Missing – Added
* Other minor errors – Fixed

= 3.0.4, Mar 14, 2023 =
* Fully RTL compatible with additional testing – Updated
* Mega Menu JS issue fixed for RTL
* Minor CSS fixes

= 3.0.3, Mar 13, 2023 =
* Ajax Customizer Panel for faster loading – Updated
* Font Icons – Updated

= 3.0.2, Feb 17, 2023 =
* Code optimized & refined – Update
* Theme option – Icon choose not working – Fixed
* Team Block(Elementor Module) – Button text not working for team block and option to remove the social icons not working – Fixed

= 3.0.1, Feb 05, 2023 =
* Preloader dynamic color not working issue – Fixed

= 3.0.0, Feb 01, 2023 =
* Add Widget option added in theme panel
* Optimization of dynamic CSS – Updated

= 2.0.8, Aug 19, 2022 =
* Pinterest share button throwing error when the featured image is not uploaded – Fixed
* Optimization of Elementor Extenders – Updated

= 2.0.7, May 19, 2022 =
* Page banner not displaying correctly on 404 Page – fixed
* WooCommerce Add to Cart button design fixes

= 2.0.6, May 17, 2022 =
* Preloader fadeout issue – fixed
* Highlight Widget – added
* Error in menu walker – fixed
* Undefined error display in Animation Layers module – fixed
* Float Effect and Parallax Effect for Elementor modules – added
* Progress Bar Widget not displaying in Elementor – fixed
* Customizer team section linkedin social icon – fixed
* Elementor Typography and Color scheme value removed – fixed
* Welcome Page error links – fixed
* Plugin not installing from Install Plugin page – fixed
* Elementor Extender not enabled by default – fixed

= 2.0.5, Feb 8 2022 =
* Material Design Font Icon updated to latest version – update
* Elementor default value not working for responsive slider control – fixed
* Animated Text Elementor module – added
* Parallax & Motio(Horizontal & Vertical movement) Option for Elementor Section – added
* Option to activate/deactivate Section Extender in Theme Option Panel – added
* Depreciated Instagram Token option from Theme Option Panel – removed
* Metabox background size value not saving – fixed
* Sticky Sidebar for Elementor – update

= 2.0.4, Dec 8 2021 =
* Image, Text, Lottie Animation Elementor widget – added
* Translation of some text not working – fixed
* Background Effect, Color Animation, Parallax Animation, Particle Animation, Water Ripple added for Elementor section
* Transform option added for each Elementor Module
* Depreciated _register_controls replaced by register_controls

= 2.0.3, Oct 22 2021 =
* Demo Importer refinement
* Color Picker and other JS not working in Gutenberg widget page – fixed
* Automatic notification and update issue – fixed

= 2.0.2, Oct 10 2021 =
* Multilanguage issue with Polylang and WPML plugin – fixed
* Elementor undefined index error – fixed

= 2.0.1, Sep 21 2021 =
* Slow loading of icon chooser control in the customizer – fixed
* Top header anchor color not changing in customizer – fixed
* Default icon not loading in customizer social icon – fixed
* Search widget design in header and top header – fixed
* Update issue due to naming conflict – fixed
* Support for SVG icon – Added
* Single page blog title not displaying – fixed

= 2.0.0 – Sep 01, 2021 =
* Theme switched to plugin to prevent loss of content on upgrade
* More features added

= 1.5.3 – Apr 26, 2021 =
* Elementor Depreciated error fixed

= 1.5.2 – Apr 15, 2021 =
* Custom Widget not getting deleted on widget page fixed
* Multiple slider not loading in Elementor fixed
* Portfolio Carousel widget for Elementor added
* Error in Image Flipster fixed (implode php error)
* Other fixes in style

= 1.5.1 – Feb 10, 2021 =
* bbPress styles added
* Elementor Moduels bug fixes

= 1.5.0 – Feb 02, 2021 =
* WPML Issue fixed for slider caption text
* Elementor Blocks added for all Home Page Sections
* Video background not working for Customizer Home Page Section fixed

= 1.4.9 – Sep 11, 2020 =
* Google Font List Updated
* MegaMenu Custom Post Type fixes
* Page Builder Template fixes

= 1.4.8 – Aug 12, 2020 =
* Customizer Panel not loading with WordPress version 5.5 fixed
* Template file added for Page Builders

= 1.4.7 – Aug 3, 2020 =
* Social icon not updating the top header fixed.

= 1.4.6 – July 9, 2020 =
* Customizer Javascript refinement
* Front Page tab section dynamic color issue in RTL fixed
* Team Section – style 4 – round image issue fixed
* Demo Importer Enhancement

= 1.4.5 – May 20, 2020 =
* Megamenu not working on a mobile device fixed

= 1.4.3 – May 16, 2020 =
* Logo stretching in the mobile device fixed
* Added Background parameters for home banner image
* Sticky Header issue fixed
* Added alt attribute for all image in the home page for better SEO

= 1.4.2 – May 08, 2020 =
* Added option for home page slider height, transition and autoplay
* Added option for color in mobile menu toggle button
* Minor bug in latest post widget fixed and added option to display date
* Excerpt function error fixed
* Added frontpage option for quick setup
* Added version constant for removal of cache on theme update
* Added option for logo height

= 1.4.1 – Apr 20, 2020 =
* Instagram Widget Removed
* add_to_cart_fragments depreciated issue fixed
* Other minor issue fixed

= 1.4.0 – Apr 15, 2020 =
*  Test code appearing at the top of the website fixed

= 1.3.9 – Apr 11, 2020 =
* Repeater fields translation not displaying in WPML fixed
* Added Option for External Link in the Portfolio posts
* Contact Info widget support HTML text
* Demo Importer refinement

= 1.3.8 – Mar 10, 2020 =
* Portfolio Masonry Widget “Portfolio Order” issue fixed
* Demo Importer refinement
* Background zoom issue(when background attachment is set to fixed) on ios device fixed
* More refinement in GDPR section
* Instagram and Flickr widget spacing issue fixed
* Mega Menu refinement
* Footer Background Position not working issued fixed
* WooCommerce fixes

= 1.3.7 – Dec 12, 2019 =
* FontAwesome conflict with Elementor fixed
* Dynamic style not working on child theme fixed
* Preloader dynamic style issue fixed

= 1.3.6 – Nov 25, 2019 =
* Option for Read More Text added in featured, highlight and service sections
* Latest Post Widget Added

= 1.3.5 – Nov 15, 2019 =
* Breadcrumb permalink error in Portfolio fixed
* Elementor Elements error with WPML string translation plugin fixed
* Added 503 Service Unavailable in maintenance page
* Google Plus Social icon removed from team section and share buttons
* WooCommerce depreciated function removed and replaced with wc_get_cart_url
* Breadcrumb Schema error fixed
* Tab not working in customizer fixed
* Fancy Scrollbar option removed
* Menu Icon not working fixed
* Portfolio Carousel Widget error fixed
* Minor CSS fixed
* Metabox and it extension updated to the latest version

= 1.3.4 – Aug 20, 2019 =
* Spelling correction of the separator
* GooglePlus field removed from author details
* GooglePlus Share icon removed from the article detail page
* Elementor Template option removed
* License activation URL fixed
* Update issue on child theme is activation fixed

= 1.3.3 – May 09, 2019 =
* Added option of colors in each section
* Minor bug fixes in the live customizer preview

= 1.3.2 – Apr 18, 2019 =
* Minor styling issue fixed
* Translation text issue fixed
* RTL CSS fixed for some issues

= 1.3.1 – Apr 7, 2019 =
* Translation text added for the metabox settings
* Option added to remove the space below the header and above the footer for each page
* Other minor bug fixes

= 1.3.0 – Apr 3, 2019 =
* “Add New” button for theme upload not working fixed
* Welcome notice error on theme switch issue fixed
* Added sidebar layout for blog and search page
* Added 2 new sidebar styles
* Content color option added
* Single blog elements reorder added
* Option to show/hide author and comment added in blog page
* Update issue when used with child theme issue fixed

= 1.2.9 – Mar 18, 2019 =
* Multiple Home Page Template declaration removed
* Gutenberg support for Portfolio custom post type added

= 1.2.8 – Feb 18, 2019 =
* Portfolio Type not showing in Gutenberg editor fixed.

= 1.2.7 – Jan 22, 2019 =
* Google Map API not working issue fixed
* Missing Widget issue with Site Origin Pagebuilder v2.10.0 fixed

= 1.2.6 – Jan 05, 2019 =
* Elementor editor not displaying content when preloader is on – fixed
* Error on Database Reset module fixed

= 1.2.5 – Dec 23, 2018 =
* SVG CSS issue in admin fixed
* Customizer Home Page Sections eye icon show/hide not properly responding issue fixed
* Accordion Widget – Editor not appearing Gutenberg Editor fixed
* Gutenberg Editor added for Portfolio and MegaMenu post types
* Megamenu upgrade
* Testing with Gutenberg modules

= 1.2.4 – Nov 23, 2018 =
* Added 30+ Elementor Widgets
* Added Theme Options panel for more customizability
* Improvement in Demo Import
* Welcome Page added for easy navigation

= 1.2.3 – Sep 19, 2018 =
* Added HTML support for the textarea fields in widgets

= 1.2.2 – Sep 13, 2018 =
* Gradient background not working – Fixed

= 1.2.1 – Sep 10, 2018 =
* New Demo Added (Construction)
* Minor stying fixes
* Customizer home section reorder glitch fixed

= 1.1.9 – Aug 27, 2018 =
* New Demo Added (Total)
* Submenu position on hover shows in the available space with being cut off
* Option to add Google Map via Iframe added in the contact section
* More Options added for Widgets

= 1.1.8 – Aug 4, 2018 =
* More robust Customizer with live preview without refresh
* Minor Design Fixes

= 1.1.7 – Jul 11, 2018 =
* WooCommerce Sidebar Issue Fixed
* WooCommerce Enhancements
* Compatibility with YITH Wishlist, YITH Compare, YITH Quick View Plugins

= 1.1.6 – Jul 07, 2018 =
* Archive page taking the setting of Single Post meta box setting fixed
* WooCommerce Enhancements
* Added option to filter the customizer Icons

= 1.1.5 – Jun 30, 2018 =
* Social Icon Widget – output only showing url fixed
* Remove word Category, Tag, Archives from the respective archive pages
* Google Map Issue fixed (Latitude was taking Longitude value and vice-versa)
* Added Color option for title, subtitle, link color, and button in the homepage sections

= 1.1.4 – Jun 23, 2018 =
* Breadcrumb not hiding from the customizer setting issue fixed
* Added option for video in Call To Action Section

= 1.1.3 – Jun 21, 2018 =
* Added option in the widget page to create new widget areas
* Fixed minor typo errors
* Added option for replacing admin Logo or WordPress
* Fixed Section Separator changes not showing bug
* Added 2 new custom section in the home page
* Linkedin and Stumbleupon share links in the post fixed

= 1.1.2 – May 27, 2018 =
* Multilanguage Translation issue fixed for the Testimonial Section and More buttons of each section.

= 1.1.1 – May 23, 2018 =
* Customizer Repeater Field hanging on typing fixed
* Minor Styling Issue Fixed
* New Demo Import Added – One Page

= 1.1.0 – May 12, 2018 =
* Header spacing problem when titlebar is disabled – fixed
* Auto Theme Update Bug fixed
* Google Map API field added in Customizer
* Option to align slider and banner text(left, right, center) added

= 1.0.9 – May 10, 2018 =
* Auto Theme Update added
* Maintenance mode option added

= 1.0.8 – May 5, 2018 =
* 6 more section title styles added
* Option for a button in all section

= 1.0.7 – May 1, 2018 =
* RTL support added

= 1.0.6 – Apr 28, 2018 =
* Shape dividers added for home page section

= 1.0.5 – Apr 25, 2018 =
* Sticky Header Option added

= 1.0.4 – Apr 21, 2018 =
* 3 new Blog Layout added
* Narrow Sidebar not working Issue fixed in customizer Sidebar Layout Option

= 1.0.3 – Apr 17, 2018 =
* Mega Menu added
* Added CTA button option in the menu
* Improvement in Alpha Color Picker
* System Status Page added
* Improvement in Section Reorder option in Home Section

= 1.0.2 – Apr 05, 2018 =
* New Demo added – Creative Agency