Home Forums Total Paragraphs not separating. Please Help!!

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  • #4932

    Hi all,

    I’m brand new to WP and have encountered a problem when writing a post. Everything was going well writing a post and then suddenly when l wrote something and added an image (l had been doing the exact thing a number of times in the same post without any dramas) and then clicked the preview button the last two paragraphs that l had just written had jumbled together and there was no way that l could seperate them!! You can see how the last images, the circular saw and the nail gun, along with the two paragraphs, have joined together. Here’s the link to the page in question.

    I tried starting a new post on a new page and the same thing happened.

    What has happened or am l doing something wrong?

    Please note that l am an ABSOLUTE NOVICE at this type of thing. Code is totally foreign and l’m not sure exactly where to insert code if l need to.

    Thanks Guys 👍


    Whoops, looks like the link wasn’t added to my post. Is there a way l can add a link showing the page with the problem.


    Can you please explain your problem along with your website url because i am not understanding what you mean to say.

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